Retirement Planning for Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay

man and woman smiling at another man discussing retirement planning sunshine coast and wide bay

Maher Digby Securities - your retirement planning specialists

Looking for the best financial planning companies on the Sunshine Coast? Search no further!

With over 30 years experience in financial planning, the Maher Digby financial advisory firm offers comprehensive advice on the pre-planning phase of your retirement, the retirement process itself, and throughout your retirement period, including your estate planning. Our financial planner advice is aimed at maximising your income stream with an underlying goal of maintaining your capital investments as much as possible, and your financial security.

Retirement Planning

Our certified retirement financial advisors will discuss your desired lifestyle, your income requirements, financial investment strategies, tax implications, and the best timing for your retirement. Everyone is very individual in this regard, and our retirement planners on the Sunshine Coast take a comprehensive look at your particular circumstances before formulating a tailored retirement investment management strategy

Our certified financial advisors take a full view of your assets and investments to develop a tailor-made retirement investment management strategy taking all of this into account. Your assigned retirement financial planner may also look at any outstanding long service leave or other entitlements you may be eligible for, and any other issues relevant to you.

retirement Income Strategies

When you transition into retirement our financial advisory firm will assist with planning and setting up your retirement income management strategy.

This could be drawing a regular income from your managed investments and/or transferring your Superannuation into an Account Based Pension. Transferring to a Pension is simple process but a complex arena requiring professional pension advice from your retirement financial advisor to maximise your income. Our Sunshine Coast financial advisory firm also ensures you always have easy access to your investments to fund any additional expenditures should you require them.

Ongoing portfolio managment

Maher Digby Financial Planning ongoing services include client updates and regular portfolio reviews (either in person, or over the phone if preferred), and you have direct access to your Nambour financial adviser as you need. We also provide regular education and updates on our monthly blog here:  Market Updates 

At your portfolio review we discuss any changes in your circumstances, or in the markets, that may require adjustments to your investment strategy. Also at each portfolio review, there may be dividend income on your investments that needs to be invested into your portfolio requiring financial advice on how to best place those funds. You can read our article on Dividend Income for Retirement Investments on our Market Updates page. 

Our clients appreciate having a certified retirement financial advisor who knows them personally and understands their history, their family and their needs. A financial adviser who takes an active role in their retirement planning.  Apart from overseeing the ongoing management of your retirement investment portfolio within market fluctuations, there are many things that may need to be managed throughout your retirement phase.

managing the Phases of Retirement

As retirement evolves there can be such things as downsizing properties, receiving an inheritance which may require adding to your current investments or expanding your portfolio and therefore a review of your overall investment picture.

Also, over time your Age Pension entitlements may change requiring a re-look at your circumstances. At some point there may be a need for Aged Care transition for you or your partner and your certified financial adviser can discuss your options and any changes required to your investments to manage this.

Our financial planning firm's services include assisting you with financial advice regarding all these or any other changes that may occur that affect your situation during your retirement phase.

Our certified financial advisors take pride in the care of your investments and our ongoing relationship with you personally.

To get in touch with our certified financial advisers about our retirement planning services in Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay, please call us or send your question via the form to the right of this page.

Please ask about taking advantage of the Maher Digby financial planning firm's complimentary, initial consultation.